We created  VEXICO because we wanted to narrow down the use of best oils in beauty industry. We found a lack of great oils in the beauty world and decided to create our own.


Our mission is to provide you with a curated selection of premium health and beauty products designed to enhance your natural beauty and promote overall well-being. We are passionate about offering products that have been tried, tested, and recommended by experts like Barbara O'Neil, combined with extensive online research.

Our Product Range:

  1. Castor Oil: Discover the incredible benefits of castor oil for your skin, hair, and body. Our castor oil is 100% pure and natural, sourced with care to ensure the highest quality. From promoting luscious hair growth to reducing wrinkles, easing arthritis discomfort, and soothing skin issues like bumps and blemishes, castor oil is a versatile solution for your health and beauty needs.

  2. Apricot Oil: Achieve a radiant complexion and healthier hair with our premium apricot oil. Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, apricot oil is your go-to solution for reducing wrinkles, moisturizing your face, and addressing black spots on your body. Embrace the natural beauty of your skin and hair with this nourishing elixir.

  3. Celtic Salt: Unlock the power of nature with our Celtic salt, which boasts an impressive array of 92 essential minerals for the human body. Not only does it help restore pigments in cases of hair loss, but it also aids in revitalizing the original color of your hair. Embrace the holistic benefits of Celtic salt in your daily life.

Why Choose VEXICO?

  • Quality Assurance: We are committed to sourcing only the finest, purest, and most natural ingredients for our products. Quality is at the heart of everything we do.

  • Expert-Backed: Our product selection is influenced by the recommendations of experts like Barbara O'Neil, ensuring you receive solutions that have been endorsed by those in the know.

  • Natural Beauty: We believe in enhancing your natural beauty, promoting self-care, and embracing wellness through natural means. Our products are free from harmful chemicals, allowing you to nourish your body and soul naturally.

  • Customer-Centric: Your satisfaction is our top priority. We are here to assist you on your journey to health and beauty. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions or concerns.

At VEXICO, we invite you to explore our range of health and beauty products, each carefully selected to empower you on your path to natural radiance and well-being. Embrace the transformative power of nature with us, and let your inner beauty shine.

Thank you for choosing VEXICOas your trusted partner in natural beauty and wellness. We look forward to serving you and helping you look and feel your best, inside and out.